5 for 50.
That’s the deal I made in my head.
5 months of chemotherapy for my wife. 5 months of doing everything in my power to shoulder the load of life, so all she had to do was get through her treatment.
5 months of making sure the kids got to school and time as much as possible. 5 months of laundry, and dishes, of cleaning up after pets and cleaning out the chicken coop. 5 months of making sure we don’t run out of the essentials, like milk and bread, soap and shampoo.
5 months of watching her take on cancer head-on. With strength, determination, grace, beauty, and a positive attitude that just won’t quit.
5 months for at least 50 more years with her.
It’s been hard. It’s been painful to watch, knowing there wasn’t a damn thing I could do to lessen the pain, the fatigue, and every other side effect that came with each round of chemo. It’s been hard to watch her struggle — physically, mentally, and emotionally — with the hair loss, the weight gain, and the other effects of chemo on her body.
But throughout it all I’ve had this cheezy little mantra in my head…
5 for 50.
And as we come closer to the end of this phase in her cancer treatment, it keeps echoing around.
5 for 50. Almost there. 5 for 50.
Worth it.
Because this life we’ve built together doesn’t work without her.